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Men's Woodland Wellbeing


Men's Wellbeing in the Woods group.

Following on from our announcement about funding and what we're hoping to do with it I've had a look at the calendar and have some dates for the first sessions of our Pilot Project.

These first sessions will be on Fridays and Saturdays. You will be welcome to one, all or anywhere in between. The booking link is below and if you can book in advance so we know what to expect in terms of numbers that would be hugely helpful.

The dates of the sessions are planned to be:

Next Date Saturday 22nd July 10am-2:30pm

We run our weekly Wellbeing in Nature Project sessions that are open to everyone, but felt that this was something a bit different that could be really needed by some of the men in our community.

We don't really know what it will look like yet, maybe along the lines of a "Men's Shed" with making, building and fixing things in the woodland workshop, maybe regular woodland walks and chats around the fire, maybe bushcraft focused, or learning new skills like whittling and spoon carving, maybe woodland management or maybe a complete mix or all of these and more???

If you, or someone you know would like to be involved please get in touch. The sessions will be based at Hakeford Woods which is 10 minutes from Barnstaple near Chelfham Mill. The sessions will be open to men from the age of 18 upwards. If someone would like to attend who has mobility difficulties please be in touch so we can assess how we can make their participation possible.

This initial pilot programme is possible thanks to funding from the Devon Mental Health Alliance's Innovation Fund and if successful we would really like to make it a regular thing and will find the necessary funding to make it happen.

Booking link

To download a Wellbeing in Nature referral form please click one of these links:

To download a Participant consent/indemnity form please click this link:

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