​Hakeford Woods
Registered Charity Number 1203076
Est. 2015
Super worm Family workshops
Suitable for children aged 2.5 years + (siblings under 2.5 are free)
In this workshop, listen to the story of Superworm and meet some of the minibeasts that live in our woodland.
You'll learn some super worm facts and create a 'grunting stick' to charm the worms from the mud. Once found, you will use mud, leaves, grass and sawdust to feed the worms and create your own wormery to take home with you and enjoy a holiday...don’t forget to let the worm go back into nature to help your plants grow.
We will also provide mud kitchen equipment and create a Treasure or Trash sorting activity: Children sort man-made and natural materials and decide which is treasure and which is trash leading to discussion about recycling and keeping our environment clean.
we will have a picnic after
What to wear and Bring
A glass jar with the lid big enough to fit some small worms or one big worm
A cup and spoon and picnic and a blanket
Suitable for children aged 2.5 years + (siblings under 2.5 are free) – pre-booking essential
Time - 10.30-12.30 - stay for picnic after for one hour max
Cost- £10 per child adults and children under 2.5 free.
max 12 children.
Documents for Information
Please click on links below to see the documents