​Hakeford Woods
Registered Charity Number 1203076
Est. 2015
What's next at Hakeford Woods?
Over the next few months we hope to begin working with a variety of different client groups including:
Primary school groups
Secondary school groups
Local Authority referrals
Work experience students
Each of our sessions will have a plan but this will be adaptable to the day, the weather and other unexpected circumstances. We will be working hard to provide all participants with new skills and experiences.
We will accept referrals from schools, social services, individuals, care homes and other professionals.
If you would like to discuss possible options please contact us through the contact page, by email or by phone (07754538415).
There are copies of an information sheet for leading professionals and the referral form on the Documents page.
If you wish to refer an individual please complete and email the referral form and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss available options.
All participants will also need to have a fully completed medical consent form