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Hakeford Woods is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation CIO based at a beautiful woodland site only ten minutes from Barnstaple. We run ongoing programmes for students who are Home Educated, groups from local schools, community groups and individuals. Activities and programmes can be organised for all ages and abilities.
More about us


To make sure that you don't miss out on any workshops, events or new courses please follow this link and sign up to our new seasonal newsletter

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Forest Folk
Sessions for children under 5 and parents/carers
Lots of New Events Coming Up


Whittling and Woodcraft for Wellbeing
Regular Monday Whittling and woodcraft sessions for people in need of a quieter wellbeing day focussing on projects


Women's Wellbeing in the Woods
Monthly session for Women with a skills focus and the chance to socialise in the woods 


Come and join the staff and volunteers at Hakeford Woods with different projects including  woodland management, amp construction, access improvements, gardening and more.


Home-Ed Groups
Sessions for children 5-11. Raising self esteem, lots of opportunities to play, explore and learn new things


Family Workshops
Suitable for children aged 2.5 years + (siblings under 2.5 are free)


Men's Woodland Wellbeing Group
Fortnightly Saturday sessions for learning new skills, socialising, helping out with jobs etc 


Heritage Crafts
Learn traditional skills including hurdle making, hedgelaying, metal casting, green woodwork, nature connection and more 


Traditional Metalworking
Blacksmithing in the forge

New courses coming up soon 

What we've been up to in 2024


  • Long term Forest School provision for secondary aged children attending alternative provision schools

  • Weekly Sessions for Home Educated children.

  • Wellbeing in Nature Sessions every Thursday for adults struggling with mental health and social isolation

  • Regular Whittling and Spoon carving courses for adults provising opportunities for quieter Wellbeing days

  • Volunteering days.

  • Working with the Youth Justice Service to provide reparation opportunities for young people.

  • Providing a Forest School space for On Track Education Service

  • Working with a range of North Devon schools to provide individual sessions and programmes of activities for small groups, whole classes and year groups throughout the year.

  • Providing a space and hosting a series of woodland based sessions for trainee Doctors.

  • Hosting Wellbeing days for staff working in a range of different sectors.

  • Providing sessions for groups of children working with a range of specialist services and charities based in the North Devon area

  • Hosting an activities day for a scout group visiting North Devon.

  • Providing Wellbeing focussed days for groups of adults through supported living providers and recovery focussed charities

  • Camp improvements including wheelchair access to two of our main camps and the ongoing construction of a new pizza oven


If you'd like to see more regular updates and photos from the woods, please follow us on facebook and instagram


Water Supplies at Hakeford Woods

Please be aware that any tap water supplies at Hakeford Woods are unsuitable for drinking or other domestic purposes. Bottled water is supplied for drinking and food preparation and hand sanitiser is supplied and should be used after washing hands in other water supplies.

About Forest School

"Forest School is an inspirational concept providing learning opportunities through practical activities in an outdoor environment. Participants of all ages will be given opportunities to enjoy the freedom to explore the natural world in all seasons and in all weathers."

What to Bring

Seasonal updates

It's been a long dry period in the woods this summer and the ground has been looking dry. Our trees are doing ok in this weather as most have nice deep roots but the younger ones and the plants in the veggie beds will have been struggling a bit more. The bees will have enjoyed the sun but dry conditions reduce the amount of nectar available for them.

Recent Animal spots

Squirrels, fox, shrews, deer, badgers and rabbits.

Recent Bird spots

Wrens, goldfinches, Jays, Ravens, Buzzards, Great tits, Wagtails, Pigeons, greater spotted woodpecker and green woodpecker, woodcocks, treecreepers, robins, goldcrests, willow tits

Our Vision

Our vision is that all children and adults will have the opportunity to experience the significant benefits that can be brought by spending time in the natural environment. 

We are extremely fortunate to have permanent access to our beautiful Forest School site. Working with local schools and community organisations we are providing opportunities for individuals and groups of all ages and backgrounds to take part in a variety of activities and experience our fantastic natural environment.

Our Forest School offers a variety of opportunities for schools, clubs, community groups and individuals to take part in educational tasks, fun activities and conservation work. 

The Site


Hakeford Woods Forest School is committed to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and adults attending our programmes. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. 

Safeguarding and Child Protection at Hakeford Woods Forest School



Since opening in the summer of 2015 we have run a variety of different sessions.


Over the next few months we will be running different sessions for local schools, community groups, families and parents with young children.




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We are currently working with students from an Alternative Provision school in North Devon. We are also running weekly Wellbeing sessions for adults with mental health difficulties and weekly sessions for children who are home educated. In the last 6 months we have also run regular whittling and spoon carving sessions for the Devon Recovery Learning Community.

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"I really liked everything about Forest School. It was fun and my favourite bit was lighting fires"

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Site Updates

Since our last update we have been running regular sessions in the woods for several local schools and finding out the changes that need to be made to enhance the site. Our regular base camps are well loved, but to give us more options we hope to complete and develop a few different areas of the site in the next few months.  The roundhouse area is up and running, just a few more little bits to do to finish it off.


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What Next?


With  the site development, we are looking forward to getting Hakeford Woods to a point where we can have more groups on site at a time. This will enable us to continue our long term work with children struggling in education, as well as providing additional opportunities for other children, families and adults who could benefit from what we are able to offer.


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We are very grateful to the following organisations for their support :


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